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Former versions of TiRiFiC came with a convenient graphical user-interface, which could unfortunately not be maintained, and is today incompatible with the (updated) libraries it depends on. As a first substitute, we provide on this page a TiRiFiC default file editor, programmed and kindly made available by George Heald. As the name suggests, the software is a GUI to edit TiRiFiC default files. Users should be familiar with TiRiFiC.


TiRiFiC default file editor download and installation


Download the file tiredit.py to a directory pathtodirectory, enter the directory and make it executable:

> chmod +x tiredit.py

The python file tiredit.py can be saved somewhere in your PATH so that you can easily run it from any directory. It requires python as well as the python packages called numpy, matplotlib (version >= 1.0 seems to be necessary), and Tkinter. These are quite standard. The program can be started by typing "pathtodirectory/tiredit.py" or, if the directory is in the PATH variable, by typing "tiredit.py".

TiRiFiC default file editor brief description

Fig. 1: TiRiFiC default file editor, screenshots. Left: after starting the editor. Right: after loading a default file and choosing a parameter

When you run tiredit.py, you will see a window like the one shown to the left in Fig. 1. In this window, you should:

  1. Enter the name of a def file that you want to modify (use the "Browse" button to easily select a file)
  2. Click "Read file"
  3. Select a parameter that you want to edit from the dropdown menu
  4. Click "Plot values"
  5. Move points around as you like (see the image to the right in Fig. 1, which shows an edit in progress; note that the dashed line will remain fixed so that you can remember what the parameter looked like originally)
  6. When you are happy, change the output def file name if you want to (again you can use the "Browse" button to select a location and filename), and click "Write output .def"
  7. If you want to modify other parameters, repeat steps 3-6 (you have to do "Write output .def" each time to apply your changes, but you can use the same output file name at every step)
  8. A new def file can be opened as in steps (1) and (2), but the changes that you have made to parameters in previous steps will not be in memory anymore (they will be saved on disk if you have written output def files)
  9. Close the window and admire your new default file(s)

Please let us know if you run into any bugs.